Frequently Asked Questions
Is Dr. Burdick accepting new patients or transfers?
At this time her panel is full. If you call and leave your information we can add you to a waitlist.
How do I schedule an appointment?
Call to schedule 802-732-3010
You can also login to the portal to schedule: https://app.elationpassport.com/passport/login/
Where is the office located?
10 Bank St. North Bennington VT
Parking is in front on School Street
What are your hours?
Monday 8:00am-12:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am-2pm and 5pm-7pm
Wednesday: 8am-5pm
Thursday: 8am-5pm
Are there walk-in hours?
YYes! 12-1pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for patients who have already had an established care visit. We have daily availability so you can call or message us as well.
What insurances do you accept?
Vermont Medicaid
Blue Cross Blue Shield
CBA Blue Cross
Martins Point
Harvard Pilgrimage
What is the best way to communicate with Dr. Burdick?
The patient portal. Once you schedule an appointment you will get an email to sign up for the portal - please do. I will send you results and messages and you can see your chart. You can ask non-emergent questions and will get a prompt reply. https://app.elationpassport.com/passport/login/
I am on call 24 hours a day for emergent questions via phone if you have already established care with me. 802-732-3010, please leave a message.
I will also return phone calls for non emergent issues but it may take 48 business hours, please leave a message.